Corporate Security & Investigation
Workflow Driven Case Management
Be compliant with every case
Automatic Translations
AI driven translations from all major languages are included by default and at no extra cost.
Adapted to your workflow
Users are guided through your specific end-to-end workflow that adapts to the case
AI driven Evidence Explorer
Instant Data Analytics
Quantify your Impact
Ask questions in natural language
No more Excel sheets and complicated BI solutions. Simply ask your data questions and get instant answers.
Predict future hotspots before they appear
Show value to the business by flagging future and developing hotspot early on.
Security & Data Protection
by Design
Cutting Edge Technology
at your Fingertips
Streamlined intake
Use Emails, call transcripts or a dedicated online form to create a case.
Automated Translations
Any translations required happen automatically and instantly from all major languages.
Guided Investigations
Every investigator is guided through your specific end-to-end investigations process.
No more Admin
As you work on a case, the admin is automatically completed - ensuring you can focus on your work.
No more Searching
Simply ask your data, evidence or policy questions and get instant answers.
Predict Trends
Use your data to your advantage - address developing trends before they become a problem.